
My teaching philosophy is based on collaborative work and inclusive pedagogy principles. For me, inclusive pedagogy means developing a course curriculum and using teaching methods suitable for students from various sociodemographic and academic backgrounds and at diverse learning levels. I strive to offer my students a safe environment where they are comfortable speaking their minds and learning collaboratively. 

Teaching Experience

Instructor of Record

Spring 2023
PA 5311: Program Evaluation
3 Credits, In-Person
14 Students
University of Minnesota

Summer 2022
Applied Statistics for Policy Analysis and Evaluation
22 Students
Junior Summer Institute, University of Minnesota

Spring 2021
PA 3003: Public/Non-Profit Financial Management and Budgeting
3 Credits, Synchronous Online
28 students
University of Minnesota

Fall 2020
PA 3003: Public/Non-Profit Financial Management and Budgeting
3 Credits, Synchronous Online 
38 students
University of Minnesota 

Teaching Assistant

Fall 2022
PA 5311: Program Evaluation
3 Credits, In-Person
40 Students
University of Minnesota

Summer 2020
Applied Statistics for Policy Analysis and Evaluation
Hybrid, Online
Led the STATA lab instruction
Junior Summer Institute, University of Minnesota

Fall 2017
PA 5151: Organizational Perspectives on Global Development
3 Credits, In-person
40 students 
University of Minnesota 

Selected Quotes from Student Evaluations
  • Program Evaluation, Spring 2023
“Nishank was contactable, responding in a timely manner when I or my group emailed him for clarifications. He had high standards and was a tough grader but always provided comments for improvement. He made efforts to engage the class in activities to highlight the concepts we were learning and while it can be a challenge to make evaluation engaging, it was helpful and I really appreciated the effort he made. Overall, I found Nishank to be a great instructor who showed care in the coursework he delivered and am really grateful for his effort because it benefited me greatly. I learned a lot and would enthusiastically recommend him to others. His students in his new role will be lucky to have him!” 
  • Applied Statistics, Junior Summer Institute, 2022
“I have never enjoyed statistics until Nishank taught me. I have taken several statistics courses and I actually think the content makes sense now. I have a genuine understanding of the information and what the concepts actually mean. Part of that is due to his patience with us and also due to his style of teaching. I also appreciate that he tried to challenge us in class to extend our knowledge and our ability to apply statistics to real issues.”
  • Nonprofit and Public Financial Management, Spring 2021
“Professor Varshney is the professor/instructor that I think every student wants. He is kind, patient, and super attentive to all students' problems. Students can tell he is very passionate in what he does and has inspired some of us to change the world using quantitative data.” 

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